
Troy Kirby

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New cover for Crunk; Amazon KDP Select

I’ve been working harder on the marketing side of things since the last time I wrote my blog entry. Looking back, it’s been WAY too long… November? Really? Wow…

Some changes have happened, for the better.

First, I hired a graphic artist for my cover design. I know that this is trivia to the actual writing process, but necessary in the marketing process. The designer did a great job with Crunk, did an even better job with a few e-book covers coming down the line (more on that in a moment).

I’ve also signed on to the Amazon KDP Select program. If you or a friend have Amazon Prime ($80 per year), one of the features is a lending program which allows you to read certain books for free.

Why do I advocate this? Because I still get paid a $2.02 bounty per book lent through the program. My books enrolled in the KDP Select Program stay up for 90 days exclusively, meaning that I had to take them off sale for Apple and other avenues. I didn’t do it with all of my books, but I wanted to increase my audience reach. The only way to do that is by expanding eyeballs, and that is where I think the KDP Select Program will help. Plus I get paid for it, so its not really free.

That being said, I am working hard at producing more. And editing. Lots and lots of editing to hone the ebooks down, work sentence structure, all of the boring stuff no one cares about.

By the way, if you are interested, I am doing a podcast, called “The NothingCast” with Standup Comedian Andrew Ouellette and myself. More details can be found on